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Legend (visuell_kartlegging/visuell_innsyn)

Survey info (0)
Photo locations (1)
Very good Very good
Good Good
Medium Medium
Poor Poor
No picture No picture
Remove Remove
Coral reef - present (3)
Present Present
Coral reef (4)
Present Present
Absent Absent
Status coral reef (5)
Very high area and density Very high area and density
High area and density High area and density
Low area and density Low area and density
Very low area and density Very low area and density
Dead Dead
Coral garden - present (7)
Present Present
Coral gardens (8)
Present Present
Absent Absent
Density, coral individuals per 25m2 (9)
>15 >15
11-15 11-15
6-10 6-10
1-5 1-5
No value No value
Sponge aggregations - present (11)
Present Present
Sponge aggregations (12)
Present Present
Absent Absent
Sponge cover density (13)
>10% >10%
6-10% 6-10%
1-5% 1-5%
<1% <1%
No density value No density value
Seapen communities - present (15)
Present Present
Seapen communities (16)
Present Present
Absent Absent
Seapen density (17)
>15 >15
11-15 11-15
6-10 6-10
1-5 1-5
Coral (19)
Seapen (20)
No redlisted species (21)
Other habitat aggregation forming fauna (22)
Other habitat aggregation forming fauna Other habitat aggregation forming fauna
Other species (23)
Other species Other species
Type Substrate (24)
Bedrock Bedrock
Boulders Boulders
Carbonate crust Carbonate crust
Cobbles Cobbles
Compacted sediment Compacted sediment
Coral framework Coral framework
Gravel Gravel
Mud Mud
Mud/Sand Mud/Sand
Other Other
Pebbles Pebbles
Sand Sand
Shell hash Shell hash
Sponge spicules Sponge spicules
Seabed features (25)
Seabed features Seabed features
Anthropogenic Impact (26)
Anthropogenic Impact Anthropogenic Impact
Drill cuttings on seabed (27)
Drill cuttings on seabed Drill cuttings on seabed