Survey info (0)
Photo locations (1)
| Very good |
| Good |
| Medium |
| Poor |
| No picture |
| Remove |
Coral reef - present (3)
| Present |
Coral reef (4)
| Present |
| Absent |
Status coral reef (5)
| Very high area and density |
| High area and density |
| Low area and density |
| Very low area and density |
| Dead |
Coral garden - present (7)
| Present |
Coral gardens (8)
| Present |
| Absent |
Density, coral individuals per 25m2 (9)
| >15 |
| 11-15 |
| 6-10 |
| 1-5 |
| No value |
Sponge aggregations - present (11)
| Present |
Sponge aggregations (12)
| Present |
| Absent |
Sponge cover density (13)
| >10% |
| 6-10% |
| 1-5% |
| <1% |
| No density value |
Seapen communities - present (15)
| Present |
Seapen communities (16)
| Present |
| Absent |
Seapen density (17)
Coral (19)
Seapen (20)
No redlisted species (21)
Other habitat aggregation forming fauna (22)
| Other habitat aggregation forming fauna |
Other species (23)
| Other species |
Type Substrate (24)
| Bedrock |
| Boulders |
| Carbonate crust |
| Cobbles |
| Compacted sediment |
| Coral framework |
| Gravel |
| Mud |
| Mud/Sand |
| Other |
| Pebbles |
| Sand |
| Shell hash |
| Sponge spicules |
Seabed features (25)
| Seabed features |
Anthropogenic Impact (26)
| Anthropogenic Impact |
Drill cuttings on seabed (27)
| Drill cuttings on seabed |